Monthly Archive for September, 2021

: September, 2021

Prepárese para el regreso a la escuela: póngase al día con las visitas médicas y las vacunas de rutina

  (BPT) – Con todos los niños que vuelven a clases en persona este otoño, sus familias están revisando sus listas de verificación de regreso a la escuela. Este es el momento perfecto para tachar de la lista algo que es esencial para comenzar el año escolar de manera saludable: asegurarse de que sus hijos

5 healthy brushing habits to kick-start a new school year

  (BPT) – Student wellness is a key part of success in school, especially this year. While proactive measures like increased hand washing are widely implemented, it’s important not to overlook oral health like a sensitive tooth, throbbing mouth pain or even a cavity. These are signs of tooth decay that can have an incredible

Expert Series: Getting to the Meat of Antibiotic Overuse

  (BPT) – By Laura Rogers, deputy director of the Antibiotic Resistance Action Center, Milken Institute School of Public Health at The George Washington University Antibiotics are our unique and powerful secret weapons against deadly bacteria. But we must use this weapon sparingly or it loses its power. Each time bacteria is exposed to an antibiotic

What may be behind achy, tired, or burning eyes? Dry eye disease may be the culprit.

  (BPT) – Sponsored by Novartis Pharmaceuticals Corporation. Have you noticed that your eyes have started to feel dry or itchy? Are your eyes affected after endless video conferences and binge watching your favorite shows? You may not be alone. A Novartis-sponsored survey of 1,003 US residents aged 35 years and older found that about